
I am a Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in Software Engineering at the School of Computing Science, University of Glasgow, UK. I obtained my Ph.D. degree in Computer Engineering from Boğaziçi University, Istanbul. Before joining the University of Glasgow, I was a senior researcher at the Department of Informatics, University of Zurich (UZH), Switzerland. Further details about my professional appointments can be found in my CV. My research field is empirical software engineering with a focus on human aspects (cognitive and social psychology) accompanied by Data Analytics and Machine Learning. My vision is to enhance software practitioners’ decision-making to improve software quality by developing (1) tools and techniques based on cognitive psychology; and (2) ML systems (e.g., LLMs) with human in the loop that can be regarded as a joint cognitive system.

INTERESTED IN DOING A Ph.D.? I am looking for self-motivated students with strong programming skills (e.g., Java, Python, C++, etc.) and background in statistical analysis and Machine Learning (e.g., Deep Learning, NLP, LLMs). Industrial or open-source software development experience is desirable. You can read about the Ph.D. Application Process and Scholarships here. Usual application deadline is 31st January every year. Feel free to contact me with your CV, academic transcript and publications (if any) ideally 1-2 months before the Ph.D. application deadline, if you are interested.


  • October 2024: I have been invited to serve at the EPSRC Peer Review College .
  • September 2024: Our paper "A Laboratory Experiment on Using Different Financial-Incentivization Schemes in Software-Engineering Experimentation" with Dmitri Bershadskyy, Jacob Krüger, Jannik Greif, Siegmar Otto, Sarah Zabel and Robert Heyer has been accepted to be published at PeerJ Computer Science Journal.
  • June 2024: Our paper "Guidelines for Using Financial Incentives in Software Engineering Experimentation" with Jacob Krüger, Dmitri Bershadskyy, Siegmar Otto, Sarah Zabel and Robert Heyer has been accepted to be published at Empirical Software Engineering Journal.
  • May 2024: Our paper " Virtual Platform: Effective and Seamless Variability Management for Software Systems" with Wardah Mahmood, Daniel Strüber, Ralf Lämmel, Muklebai Mukelebai and Thorsten Berger has been accepted to be published at IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering Journal.
  • November 2023: I will serve at the Program Committees of ICSE'25 (Main Research Track) and ESEC/FSE'24 (Demonstrations Track).
  • October 2023: I am honored to receive a Distinguished Reviewer Award at ICSME'23. It was a pleasure for me to serve the ICSME community as an ICSME'23 PC member.
  • July 2023: I have been invited to serve as the Program co-Chair of ICPC 2024 ERA Track. I also gave an invited talk at the Edinburgh Napier University (Title of my talk:"A Tale of Two Experiments: Is 'Security' Developers’ Concern during Code Reviews").
  • January 2023: I will serve at the ICSME'23 Program Committee (Research Papers Track).
  • December 2022: I will serve at the ICSE'24 Program Committee (Demonstrations Track).
  • November 2022: I will serve at the ICPC'23 and ASE'23 Program Committees (Main Research Track).
  • October 2022: Our paper " Competencies for Code Review" with Pavlína Wurzel Gonçalves, Alexander Serebrenik and Alberto Bacchelli has been accepted at CSCW'23. I will also serve at the MSR'23 Program Committee (Technical Papers Track).
  • September 2022: Our paper " First Come First Served: The Impact of File Position on Code Review" with Enrico Fregnan, Larissa Braz, Marco D'Ambros and Alberto Bacchelli received an ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award at ESEC/FSE'22 .
  • June 2022: Our paper "First Come First Served: The Impact of File Position on Code Review" with Enrico Fregnan, Larissa Braz, Marco D'Ambros and Alberto Bacchelli has been accepted at ESEC/FSE'22 (Main Technical Track).
  • May 2022: I am honored to receive a Distinguished Reviewer Award at ICPC'22. It was a pleasure for me to serve the ICPC community as an ICPC'22 PC member
  • December 2021:) Our paper " Less is More: Supporting Developers in Vulnerability Detection during Code Review: Mental Attitude and Security Checklists" with Larissa Braz, Christian Aeberhard and Alberto Bacchelli has been accepted at ICSE'22 (Main Technical Track).
  • November 2021: Our paper "Interpersonal Conflicts during Code Review: Developers' Experience and Practices" with Pavlína Wurzel Gonçalves and Alberto Bacchelli has been accepted at CSCW'22. I will serve at the EASE'22 Program Committee (Vision and Emerging Results Track).
  • October 2021: I will serve at the ICPC'22 Program Committee (Main Research Track).
  • September 2021: I have started to work as a Lecturer (Assistant Professor) at the School of Computing Science, University of Glasgow.
  • August 2021: I have been invited to serve at the ASE'22 Program Committee (Main Research Track).
  • April 2021: Our ICSE'21 paper "Why don’t Developers Detect Improper Input Validation?‘; DROP TABLE PAPERS;" with Larissa Braz, Enrico Fregnan and Alberto Bacchelli has been selected for an ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Award .
  • March 2021: I will serve on the ASE'21 Program Committee (Tool Track).
  • December 2020: Our paper "Why don’t Developers Detect Improper Input Validation?‘; DROP TABLE PAPERS;" with Larissa Braz, Enrico Fregnan and Alberto Bacchelli has been accepted at ICSE'21 (Main Technical Track). In additon, our paper "How Explicit Feature Traces Did Not Impact Developers’ Memory" with Jacob Krüger, Thorsten Berger and Thomas Leich has been accepted at SANER'21 (RENE Track).
  • September 2020: I will serve at CSCW'21 Program Committee serve as an Associate Chair.
  • July 2020: Our ICSE'20 paper "Primers or Reminders? The Effects of Existing Review Comments on Code Review" with Davide Spadini and Alberto Bacchelli received an ACM SIGSOFT Distinguished Artifact Award .