Professional Software Development and Team Project (COMPSCI4015, 2021-2025, approx. 300 Students)
Undergraduate course, University of Glasgow, School of Computing Science, 2025
The course, which is also taught throughout both semesters of an academic year (Fall and Spring semesters), introduces the students to modern software development methods and techniques for building and maintaining large systems. The course is delivered according to the Flipped Classroom Teaching Model and aims to: (1) prepare students to apply modern software development methods and techniques presented to them in the context of an extended groupbased software development exercise; and (2) make the students aware of the professional, social and ethical dimensions of software development. My responsibilities in this course comprise supervising ∼10 project teams, marking their project artifacts (e.g., GitLab repositories, dissertations), and marking exam papers (course coordinator : Dr. Tim Storer).